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An Inauguration Day Message I Posted On Facebook Last Night...

I have studied & written about the MAGA-fascist dangers for more than a decade, even back when the extremist far-right renegades were known as the Tea Party.  Sadly, what I've constantly warned about either has or is coming true.  I predicted many of the ways Trump would carry out his coup attempt even before the 2020 election, while also predicting the violence on January 6th even before the rioter thugs stormed the Capitol.  All along I've also called out & dismissed the steady stream of conspiracies coming from MAGA media that were ultimately debunked.  All that plus many other examples are recorded in writing before they actually came true, so my thoughts about what is happening & what is to come are not mere opinions, as my prior messages were oft-times confirmed & verified after the fact.  Some common threads are the truth, the law & the Constitution mean nothing to a convicted felon like Trump: Trump pardons 1,500 people charged with Jan. 6 US Capitol riot


I've also stated hundreds of times that we must not think fascism could never come to America, while predicting ahead of time how Trump would seek to establish a fascist dictatorship during his next tenure.  In essence his second-term dictatorship really wasn't my expectation alone, I just researched & understood the sinister plot already unveiled in the Project 2025 fascist playbook along with a mountain of other evidence.  So before we lose our rights & freedoms, as a society we must stay aware & vigilant.  As the election showed, at least half of America has conspired or is oblivious to the danger, so we face a tough challenge ahead.  That half the country would support a proven pathological liar, coup-attempting insurrectionist, multiple indicted & convicted criminal, rapist & corrupt demagogue, that all certainly doesn't bode well for our future.  Yet his loyal talking heads & base deny all his sins.  A free society cannot function for long when as many as not believe in blatant MAGA lies & exist in a fact-free zone.  For all of us never-trumpers, we must continue to pay attention, try to hold him accountable, rein him in when necessary & limit the damage: 'One million percent total insane': Critics pan Trump's second inaugural speech

In many ways we've seen Trump's fascist intentions gaining a foothold even before he assumed the office again today.  The orange demagogue has already corrupted much of his Republican Party, cabinet, courts, election officials, intelligence & justice communities, military, evangelical churches & MAGA media.  These toxic entities will keep providing cover & excuses for him by perpetuating his lies & conspiracies.  Imagine the kind of damage this orange wannabe dictator could do the next 4 years by installing far more MAGA cronies to high seats of power.  His henchmen have already floated the idea of an unconstitutional 3rd term before Trump even began his 2nd.  Plus they've sworn allegiance to their authoritarian ruler as they're fully prepared to carry out his loathsome orders like rounding up millions of immigrants or conducting vengeance on political opponents.  Once MAGA tyrants take over all positions of authority, whose to stop them?  Stark parallels to 1930's Germany do come to mind.  Anyone paying attention could certainly detect the dire threat.  The only possible explanation how a guy like Trump could get elected again is that our nation must have lost their minds, their principles, the Constitution & legal code: 8 Extremely Dystopian Moments From Donald Trump's Inauguration Speech  

Whoever controls the messaging controls the minds of the people.  The MAGA media is full of deceitful propagandists much like Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany fame.  We see/hear them all over cable TV news, talk radio, internet social media, podcasts, etc.  It's a Frankenstein monster unleashed that has transferred conservative thought into a fact-free bubble, with the moderate/liberal/progressive opposition having no comparable messaging infrastructure apparatus (not even close).  That far-right echo-chamber lures people in with partial truths, after which they sell their lies.  Their coordinated hyperpartisan outrages are defined by distortions, exaggerations, omissions, deflections, nitpicking, vitriol, false equivalencies, double-standards & taking things out of context for the purpose of riling up their audiences to boost ratings.  It is NOT real news!  But most MAGAs have no clue what I'm referring to since they've been sheltered from the facts, while Trump wages war on real journalism: Trump signals plans to use all levers of power against the media

Those omnipresent far-right narratives are the primary reason for the dysfunction, chaos, anger, hatred & bitter divides gripping our nation.  The disinformation & conspiracies they spew are currently the single biggest domestic problem we face in America, responsible for brainwashing tens of millions of Americans into believing their falsehoods.  They would be primarily responsible for steering our nation into lawless fascism, which is becoming a very distinct possibility.  Even the mainstream media has failed us in the face of this right-wing propaganda blitz, being very tepid about reporting on Trump's avalanche of atrocities in trying to play both sides, so as to not offend a large segment of their audiences.  The Walter Cronkite days are long gone.  Trump's collection of crimes & corruption are a thousand times more egregious than Watergate ever was, but MAGA media has given him enough cover to where the MAGA base buy in completely to the whitewashing, along with never trusting or even listening to real news: 'World gone mad': Foreign reporters sound alarm about 'Trumpism' and 'fragile' US democracy

Unfortunately, hardcore MAGA-heads are mentally too far gone & routinely reject facts.  Those Trumpian sheep can only return to reason, logic & sanity if their anointed new leadership fails them.  They won the election & now hold the power.  MAGA currently has the House & Senate plus the White House, so the blame will become obvious when things go haywire, as the Trump administration's coming disasters will need to derail their own MAGA movement & discredit their compliant fake media.  It's up to MAGA to Self-Destruct & Defeat Themselves!!!  Fully expect events involving our country to mostly get worse, not better.  The orange con man's bluster & promises will be revealed as phony.  Trump's honeymoon could likely be short as he starts alienating his base with wildly destructive words & deeds.  Perhaps he'll leave his fascistist language behind & actually try to unite the country as a responsible, constructive leader...but don't count on it!  This whole thing could end very badly, but there is hope MAGA's failure could become the only outcome that might wake people up & actually save democracy: The bankrupt 'End of History' and the Trump scam's inevitable failure | Opinion

As the outgoing president, Biden's last speech last week warning of the emerging oligarchy should have been the Dems message during the entire election campaign.  For a long time we've seen an economy where politicians & oligarchs work together in cahoots to suppress workers' wages, run roughshod over smaller competitors & rip off American consumers through obscene price hikes.  Our nation is currently faced with unprecedented wage/wealth gaps, the source of much of the anger & frustration out there among the electorate.  The urgency of the situation could finally result in the Dems & whatever sane Republicans that still might exist to work on a bipartisan basis in crafting real solutions for the struggling working middle class, whom the wealthy corporate oligarchs have exploited for decades.  Despite MAGA always using the word socialism to scare their followers, the reality of our current economic system with record inequality is far removed from any definition of socialism: Fifty Trillion Reasons Why - by gregg and marshall

The mindset of the ultra-wealthy can often become drunk with greed, influence & power while having zero empathy towards others.  They have no understanding about the struggles of the working class.  Corporate power is very oppressive when conjoined with political power.  Trump has surrounded himself with these entitled billionaires as we risk becoming a new Gilded Age on steroids, so it's not so farfetched to think they secretly prefer transforming our capitalist system into something more aligned with a ruthless fascist oligarchy similar to Russia.  With Trump's ongoing capitulations to Putin, I'm even beginning to wonder if he'll gladly relinquish Ukraine to Russia & Taiwan to China, so long as he's given the green light to take command over Greenland, Panama & possibly even Canada.  With someone as crazy as Trump, most anything is possible: The Fatal Flaw: Believing You Can Negotiate with Evil Without Becoming Its Victim

As another big problem group for America, Christian Nationalists loyal to Trump showed up in big enough numbers to sway the election to their orange cult master.  In showing their allegiance to a person defined by evil deception & declared above the law, they've managed to put their hypocrisy on public display & destroy their own Christian witness.  All Christians have been tainted by their nefarious fandom, since MAGA Christianity has distorted the faith beyond recognition.  Personally, I have strengthened my faith by leaving my prototypical white evangelical church & all the crazy trumpeters who attend there.  Myself & millions of others still follow Jesus, but we've followed him away from inside the toxic walls of MAGA churches who have rejected his teachings.  The wayward faithful really seek earthly power instead of heavenly power, wanting to impose a religious theocracy much the way Islam rules over many Asian nations.  So there's too many leading evangelists & their flocks who have abandoned Jesus for Trump, as that blatant hypocrisy is rather obvious to the rest of the world: A Small Cadre of Evangelical Leaders Is Close to Trump. But Only One Is His Guiding Light.

A MAGA pastor I know posted this message on his Facebook page a few years ago under the title A Hill to Die On, which has inspired me to this day to keep telling the truth in defending democracy...

If we continue to do nothing as not to offend anyone else, we will eventually be offended out of the constitution and out of a country!  

Unfortunately, like a lot of MAGA pastors these days, despite his instructive words he's taken the wrong side as he politically leads his flock astray.  And we always thought Christians would stand up for integrity & morality?  Collectively, all those existing inside their alternative-facts galaxy have been badly deceived & are doing tremendous damage to both church & country.  Just a few of many examples, they approve of rioting Jan 6th criminals being pardoned since Trump is a criminal himself, they're fine with lives being devastated with an increasing number of disasters related to climate change, plus it's astounding how their pro-life stance excludes lax gun laws that's allowing for innocent kids to be murdered or letting migrant kids be ripped away from their parents as so many lives are cruelly disrupted: Hymn for the 81%

Ironically, this same day we celebrate Martin Luther King's legacy & an Ohio State Buckeyes national championship, history may well record this consequential day as when we descended into American fascism.  Make no mistake, it is a very real possibility!  We must be on alert since the new president will constantly be challenging the rule of law & assaulting the Constitution.  Rest assured the narcissistic & power-mad Trump will always attack the Constitution & break the law, it's just who he is & what he does.  We're in a predicament when enough people in the near future need to recognize the disaster that is Trump's MAGA or we may perish as a free society.  It's why the new prez must be contained & invalidated before he becomes an entrenched dictator who brings tyranny upon our land: Trump’s Hit List: Who Will Be His First Victims? 

I continue to sound the alarms on my Facebook page Dave TheVoracs which you can certainly feel free to share.  Those of us who understand the threat are burdened by the weight of responsibility, realizing how approximately 1/3 of the nation has fallen into his orange cult while at least 1/2 the population is too complacent or in the dark to care.  There are only a relatively small % of us truth-tellers, but as Americans in-the-know we must not fail in our civic duty to defend democracy by exposing the fascist dangers.  And it's not only our own freedoms, but our country is the one indispensable leader protecting international democracy.  The entire free world & its survival are riding on us collectively calling out & opposing the MAGA evil that lurks among us.  By always speaking the truth, it's our best hope of averting potentially catastrophic consequences...

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